Monday, September 06, 2010

The Tyranny of Sexual Perversion

Liberty is a moral value. Homosexuality, or any other immoral behavior, is in opposition to liberty.
Open letter to conservatives who back same-sex marriage
    Judaism, he explains, and later Christianity, "placed controls on sexual activity. It could no longer dominate religion and social life. It was to be sanctified – which in Hebrew means 'separated' – from the world and placed in the home, in the bed of husband and wife."

    In short, he explains, "Judaism's restricting of sexual behavior was one of the essential elements that enabled society to progress. Along with ethical monotheism, the revolution begun by the Torah when it declared war on the sexual practices of the world wrought the most far-reaching changes in history."

    Do you understand what he's saying? Our sexual mores in large part determine our society's destiny.

    Now, fast-forward to America's founding: It's no accident that this nation has flowered more than any other in world history. But that didn't happen, my dear "libertarian-leaning conservative" friends, because the founding generation resented government, wanted lower taxes and wanted to be left alone. No, America flowered because it was steeped in a faith-based morality and a love of freedom that were wedded together into a rare and priceless alloy the world had never seen.

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