Friday, October 29, 2010

The Conspiracy to Shakedown Chevron

Outtakes from so-called documentary prove the movie maker a fraud, litigants conspirators, and Chevron innocent.

‘Crude’ Footage Reveals Lies Behind Trial Lawyers’ Suit Against Chevron
    The damning revelations are the result of Chevron’s successful legal efforts to gain access to outtakes from the movie, “Crude,” which the director, Joe Berlinger, claimed to be a fair and balanced effort to show both sides in the litigation over Texaco’s operations in Ecuador between 1964 and 1990. Chevron purchased Texaco in 2001. Berlinger claimed journalistic privilege and fought to keep control of the footage, but was ordered by the Second Circuit Court of Appeals on July 15 to turn over relevant material. The review by Chevron’s lawyers of the first batch of outtakes shows that not only that the legal case against Chevron is built on lies, but that Berlinger’s reputation as a serious, fair-minded documentarian is hollow.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Chicago Press Protects Political Machinist Rahm Emmanuel

Chicago press attempts to deny freedom of the... PRESS!

They try to drive away and even threaten violence against a reporter who is there to interview rather than for the purpose of creating good public relations in support of Chicago Political Machine veteran Rahm Emmanuel.

Friday, October 08, 2010

Democrats Keep Trying to Corrupt Elections

Now that the Tea Party is revolting against the Republican establishment, Democrats find it isn't enough to have subverted and corrupted the Republican party establishment with the likes of John McCain, Arlen Specter, etc. They must now find ways to infiltrate the Tea Party as well.

Dems Admit Rep. John Adler Planted Fake Tea Party Candidate
    In May, Geoff Mackler, Adler’s Campaign Manager, along with Democratic consultant Steve Ayscue gave a presentation outlining the “DeStefano Plan” at the Camden County Democratic Committee headquarters:

      "The goal was to take 5 percent of (Republican Jon) Runyan’s vote," said a Democrat with direct knowledge of the Adler campaign and CCDC operations.

      "Steve Ayscue designed the plan with Geoff Mackler following his lead."

Sunday, October 03, 2010

Like, You Know, Brilliant?

Typography from Ronnie Bruce on Vimeo.

Self-Inflicted October Surprise?

Perhaps not, but in its attempt to top a rally by American Patriots on 8/28/10, the Coalition of Tyranny led by the NAACP embarrasses its D.C. puppets.

One Trillion attend One Nation Rally
By Connie Hair
    Speaker after speaker at the event demanded more government giveaways and wealth re-distribution from their leaders. And gay rights. And amnesty. And free education throughout everyone's lifetime from cradle to great grandma getting her Ph.D.
    Favorite signs included: "Tax the Rich, Socialist Party U.S.A." and "Jobs for Justice"
    The event organizers included such noble American groups as the Communist Party U.S.A., Democratic Socialists of America and the International Socialist Organization.
    And as is always the case when the hard core environmentalists protest in the streets, they leave their trash behind for someone else to pick up.

    This video was taken after the One Nation rally on 10/2/2010 in front of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington DC. They left our Mall littered with their pre-printed Union signs and garbage. Very classy.

    It's not about the environment. It never has been. Going green is all about wealth re-distribution and control by "elites" over every aspect of our lives and businesses through energy regulation.
    All in all, the rally presentation and signs will give Democratic candidates heartburn nationwide with one month left until America speaks at the polls.